Take advantage of your stay in the Verdon to buy local! Numerous producers work passionately all year round to bring you their delicious products.
The well-preserved flora of our land between the mountains and Provence contributes to the quality and diversity of our honeys. Lavender, chestnut, all flowers… the varieties are numerous and production is highly developed throughout the Verdon.
Ewe’s, goat’s or cow’s, fresh, dry or as creamy as you like: you’ll find tommes to suit every taste in every corner of France.
A land of transhumance, the Verdon has been offering its mountain pastures to sheep for centuries. Naturally, lamb meat, refined and tasty, is a major component of our culinary tradition.
Cordoeil is THE beer to accompany all your aperitifs! Made in Thorame-Basse, it will seduce you with its various fruity, malty and golden notes…and there’s something for everyone!
Renowned far beyond the ramparts, Secca, the dried beef created in Entrevaux, can be enjoyed in a variety of ways: raw, seasoned with oil or Parmesan, or hot Savoy-style.
Multi-centenary, the chestnut grove of the Annot area is one of the few in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region. The sweet, tasty fruits of the local variety are processed by the owners, who form an association, into natural chestnuts and chestnut cream.
The alluvial deposits of the Var have favored the establishment of orchards downstream from the village of Entrevaux. Our handcrafted fruit juices have the tangy, sweet flavors of fruit ripened in optimal conditions.