Travel responsibly and sustainably, respecting the environment, local culture and communities. Here are a few instructions to follow when discovering the Verdon:
- Respect nature: Follow the marked trails and avoid disturbing the local flora and fauna. Avoid picking plants or disturbing wildlife.
- Minimize waste: Bring a bag with you for waste and take it back with you when you leave an area. Avoid single-use items and use reusable containers instead.
- Save water: Use water responsibly, especially in areas where it may be scarce. Take short showers and turn off taps when not in use.
- Support the local economy: Opt for local products and community-owned businesses. This helps stimulate the local economy and preserve traditional culture.
- Respect traditions and culture: Learn about local customs and act respectfully towards local people and their way of life.
- Opt for sustainable modes of transport: If possible, use public transport, car-sharing, cycling or walking to reduce the carbon footprint of your journeys.
- Save energy: Turn off lights, electrical appliances and air conditioning when you leave a room. Avoid wasting energy.
- Preserve natural resources: Avoid wasting energy, water and other natural resources. Use them responsibly and consciously.
- Learn and share: Take advantage of your trip to learn more about the region, its ecosystem and environmental issues. Share this knowledge with other travelers.
- Be careful with wildlife: If you see wild animals, maintain a respectful distance so as not to disturb them. Feed them only when authorized and appropriate.
- Support local initiatives: If there are conservation projects or community actions in place, consider supporting them financially or as a volunteer.