A walk through a larch forest, not far from the village of Colmars. The path crosses a former forestry area where Swiss pines have established themselves along with blueberry and raspberry bushes.
At the first junction, head towards “Lançonnet”. AT the following junction, continue in the same direction: the path crosses a slab of sandstone and provides a view over the Lance Valley. The slope becomes less steep and crosses a former forestry area where Swiss pines have established themselves along with blueberry bushes and rhododendrons.
On the Lançonnet plateau, the path runs close to the pastoral hut before zigzagging up towards the ridge which separates the Lançonnet and Sagne valleys. The descent towards the Sagne hut is indicated by cairns.
After crossing under the rocky bars, the path leads to a junction – turn right to reach a clearing. This is where an old forest trail leads to a clearing which has been taken over by raspberry bushes. At its far end, a path featuring tight zigzags heads down towards the Lance and the carpark.
Difficulté = Medium
The Lançonnet forest path features blueberry and raspberry bushes and there is a limit of 1L per person if you want to pick the fruits. Please consult the Park's rules on fruit picking. http://www.mercantour.eu/index.php/actualites/actualites-recentes/886-une-nouvelle-reglementation-sur-la-cueillette-en-coeur-de-parc
Balisage Petite Randonée
703m ( Positive : 703m - Negative : 707m )
Guidebooks : https://rando.marittimemercantour.eu/pedestre/foret-du-lanconnet/
Free of charge.
Ancienne auberge fleurie
04370 Colmars-en